Sleep Eating
What exactly is sleep eating? Nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder is a non-REM sleep parasomnia that is associated to other sleep disorders, especially sleepwalking.

Does Sleep Hold the Key to treat Parkinson’s Disease?
REM sleep behavior disorder is a very interesting disorder of REM sleep. In a nutshell, patients with this disorder act out their dreams. Frequently the bed partner may discover that the actions witnessed may correlate relatively well with what the patient later describes as what was occurring in the dream.

Insomnia and Menopause
Insomnia is more common in women than in men. Why would this be true? The most specific risk factors for insomnia may be gender-related, being the higher prevalence rates of depression and anxiety among women.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children with Down Syndrome
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common medical condition that has been estimated to occur in one in four American adults as per the results of the 2005 National Sleep Foundation Sleep in America poll. What may be overlooked is that children with Down syndrome frequently have OSA.

Restless Legs Syndrome and Hypertension: Is there a link?
It is well known that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a very common risk factor for hypertension, and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy decreases blood pressure among those with OSA and may help prevent hypertension.

Pediatric OSA From Tonsils to Obesity
Pediatric sleep disorders are common, affecting approximately 25% to 40% of children and adolescents. Sleep disorders in children can have a significant impact on daytime functioning and development, including learning, growth, behavior, and emotion regulation.

Sleeping with One Eye Open
For humans, sleep is composed of ninety minute ultradian cycles. Sleep starts with stage I sleep which is very brief before stage II sleep is seen. Sleep spindles and K complexes comprise stage II sleep.

Sleep and Exercise
We all know that exercise does a body good but what is exactly is the effect of exercise on sleep?

Dreaming though Depression – Part 3: Recent Developments in Pharmacotherapy
Insomnia is a frequent symptom of depression. Although never approved by the FDA for the treatment of insomnia, the older antidepressant medication trazodone is one of the most widely prescribed medications for the treatment of insomnia.

Dreaming though Depression – Part 2: Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
Our last newsletter on dreaming through depression came to some interesting conclusions:
1. Although some antidepressant medications suppress REM sleep, this effect is neither necessary nor sufficient for clinical efficacy.

Dreaming though Depression – Part 1
What is exactly is different about the quality of sleep of depressed patients? Not surprisingly, insomnia is a common complaint. This may mean that patients have a difficult falling asleep initially, difficulty getting back to sleep after early morning awakenings, or both.

The Dreaming Brain
The brainwave patterns of sleep are not all the same. In humans, sleep is composed of ninety minute cycles and the stages of sleep alternate within each sleep cycle. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep occurs at the end of each cycle.